Film Girl Film Festival to screen "Ripe Figs" AND "Dr. Chevalier's Lie"!

Originally, "Ripe Figs" and "Dr. Chevalier's Lie" were envisioned and written to be companion pieces - a period adaptation and a modern adaptation that spoke to the ways female identity and individuality serves as a liability in society. The films were shot together, as well, and we deliberately cast one actress, Keota Picou, to play "Babette" in both pieces. We worked closely with our composer, Eric Laws, for the scores to reflect each other and to deconstruct the broken images between them. Thus, we are delighted by this first: Film Girl Film Festival will be screening both short films. We couldn't be happier to see these two films that speak to each other getting to be part of the same screening slate.

Both films were made with an entirely local cast and crew. The amazing talents of Donna DuPlantier and Tony Frederick helped make these stories special.

Film Girl Film Festival, formerly the Milwaukee Women's Film Festival, will take place Oct 12-14, 2018. We will share specific dates and times as soon as we have them!